containing I. The elements of pharmaceutical chemistry. The Materia Medica: or, An alphabetical Arrangement of the Substances employed in Medicine; with an Account of their Virtues and Uses. III. Pharmaceutical Preparations. IV. Medicinal compositions. The Two Latter Parts Comprehending The Preparations and Compositions of the last London and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias, with such of the old ones as are kept in the Shops; Also The most Useful of those directed in the London Hospitals, and in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; Together with The most esteemed Foreign Medicines, and a Variety of elegant Extemporaneous Forms. Digested in a regular method: The Different Departments Enriched by the Introduction and Application of the Later Discoveries in Natural History, Chemistry, and Medicine; With Particular Directions for performing the various Processes; Remarks on the Properties and Uses of the several Subjects; the Means of distinguishing spurious Substitutes, and of detecting Adulterations, &c. New Tables of Elective Attractions, Single and Double; of Antimony, Mercury, &c. And Copperplates Of AtChemical And Pharmaceutical Instruments. The whole being an Improvement upon the New Dispensatory of Dr Lewis. By gentlemen of the Faculty at Edinburgh
7th Edition
Elliott, Charles G. G. J. and J. Robinson
Edinburgh, London
610 Medizin und Gesundheit
Düsseldorf - Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Leipzig - Universitätsbibliothek
Übersetzung basiert wohl auf mehreren Werken, jedoch waren nicht alle auffindbar (zB Edinburger Apothekenbuch von 1783?)
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