


Murray, John




1737 - 1793


Elements of geology More

On the principles of political economy and taxation More

Medical Cases, selected from the Records of the Public Dispensary at Edinburgh; with remarks and observations; being the Substance of Case-Lectures, delivered during the years 1776-7 More

Observations concerning the distinction of ranks in society More

The African Slave Trade and its Remedy. More

Consolations in travel; or the last days of a philosopher More

Journal of a visit to some parts of Ethiopia More

A visit to Greece in 1823 and 1824 More

View of the state of Europe during the middle ages [Vol. 1] More

View of the state of Europe during the middle ages [Vol. 2] More

A visit to Iceland by way of Tronyem in the summer of 1834 More

The mission to Siam, and Hué, the capital of Cochin China, in the years 1821-2 More

Principles of Geology: being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation [Vol. 1] More

Principles of Geology: being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation [Vol. 2] More

Principles of Geology: being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation [Vol. 3] More

Sketches of Persia, from the Journals of a traveller in the East. (Vol. 1) More

Sketches of Persia, from the Journals of a traveller in the East. (Vol. 2) More

Travels of a pioneer of commerce in pigtail and petticoats or, an overland journey from China towards India More

Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa, from the light of Benin to Soccatao : More

Observations on the operation and use of mercury in the venereal disease More

A treatise on gonorrhœa virulenta and lues venerea [Vol. 1] More

A treatise on gonorrhœa virulenta and lues venerea [Vol. 2] More

A treatise on the hydrocele, on sarcocele, or cancer, and other diseases of the testes More

Belgium and Western Germany in 1833. [Vol. 1] More

Belgium and Western Germany in 1833 [Vol. 2] More

Report on the present state of analytical theory of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics More

Report on the State of our Knowledge respecting the Magnetism of the Earth More

A System of Mechanical Philosophy [Vol. 3] More

Essays on Fractures and Luxations, Illustrated with Eleven Plates More

Essays on Some of the Peculiarities of the Christian Religion More

The Duties of a Regimental Surgeon considered More

Systematic Elements of the Theory and Practice of Surgery More

An Essay on the Nature and Origin of the Contagion of Fevers More

Medical Remarks on Natural, Spontaneous and Artificial Evacuation More

Account of an Elastic Trochar, Constructed on a New Principle, For Tapping the Hydrocele, or Watery Rupture: By which the Operation May Be Performed at any Period of the Disease, and with less Pain than with the Common Trochar. With a few Words in Favour of a Larger Trochar, On a Similar Construction, for Tapping the Abdomen. More

Observations on the Nature and Cure of Calculus, Sea Scurvy, Consumption, Catarrh, and Fever More

A Letter to Erasmus Darwin, M.D. on a New Method of Treating Pulmonary Consumption, and Some Other Diseases Hitherto Found Incurable More

Observations on the Diseases Incident to Seamen More

The Life of Mary, Queen of Scots [Bd. 1] More

The Life of Mary, Queen of Scots [Bd. 2] More

A Practical Treatise on the Efficacy of Stizolobium, or, Cowhage, internally Administered, in Diseases Occasioned by Worms More

An Essay on Hydrocephalus Acutus, Or Dropsy in the Brain More

The Domestic Physician, Or Guardian Of Health: Pointed Out, In The Most Familiar Manner, The Symptoms Of Every Disorder Incident To Mankind; Together With Their Gradual Progress And Method Of Cure. Particularly Adapted To The Use Of Private Families, Though Equally Essential to the Faculty. More

A serious and friendly address to the public on the dangerous consequences of neglecting common coughs and colds so frequent in this climate More

Observations on the Animal Oeconomy and on the Causes and Cure of Diseases More

A Treatise of Midwifery More

A Treatise on the Management of Female Complaints, and of Children in Early Infancy More

A treatise on the struma or scrofula: commonly called the King's evil; in which the common opinion of its being a hereditary disease is proved to be erroneous; more rational causes are assigned; and a successful method of treatment is recommended More

Facts, tending to show the connection of the stomach with life, disease, and recovery More

Practical observations on the puerperal fever: wherein the nature of that disease is investigated, and a method of cure, which has hitherto proved successful, recommended More

An inquiry into the origin and antiquity of the lues venerea: with observations on its introduction and progress in the islands of the South Seas. To which is added, a short view of the various remedies recommended in that Distemper, from its first Appearance in Europe to these Times: with General Remarks on the present received Modes of Treatment More

Clinical Experiments, Histories, and Dissections More

The history of Persia, from the most early period to the present time. Containing an account of the religion, government, usages, and character of the inhabitants of that kingdom [Bd. 1] More

The history of Persia, from the most early period to the present time. Containing an account of the religion, government, usages, and character of the inhabitants of that kingdom [Bd. 2] More

A Treatise on the Fevers of Jamaica More

A Treatise on Diluents and Enquires into the Diseases of the Fluids of the Human Body, To Ascertain the Operation of Diluents upon them More

Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger [Bd. 1] More

Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger [Bd. 2] More

Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger [Bd. 3] More

An historical view of the English government, from the settlement of the Saxons in Britain to the accession of the house of Stewart More

A Practical System of Surgery [Bd 3] More

A Practical System of Surgery [Bd 1] More

A Practical System of Surgery [Bd 2] More

A Practical Essay on Diseases of the Viscera; Particularly those of the Stomach and Bowels, the Liver, Spleen, and Urinary Bladder More

Experiments and observations on quilled and red Peruvian bark: among which are included, Some remarkable Effects arising from the Action of common bark and magnesia upon each other More

The anatomy of the human body More

Observations on the cure of the gonorrhoea More

Observations on Maniacal Disorders More

A treatise on the structure, economy, and diseases of the liver together with an enquiry into the properties and component parts of the bile and biliary concretions More

Philosophical Observations on the Senses of Vision and Hearing; to which are added, a Treatise on Harmonic Sounds, and an Essay on Conbustion and Animal Heat More

Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat: and the Inflammation of Combustible Bodies. Being an Attempt to Resolve these Phaenomena into a General Law of Nature More

Select cases in the different species of insanity: Lunacy, OR Madness, With The Modes Of Practice AS Adopted In The Treatment Of Each More

A delineation of the parables of Our Blessed Saviour To which is prefixed, a dissertation on parables and allegorical writings in general. By Andrew Gray, D.D. minister of Abernethy More

Stories selected from the history of England : from the Conquest to the Revolution. For children. More

Observations on the Superior Efficacy of the Red Peruvian Bark : in the Cure of Agues and other Fevers. Interspersed with Occasional Remarks on the Treatment of other Diseases by the same Remedy More

Observations On The Means Of Preserving The Health Of Soldiers And Of Conducting Military Hospitals. And On the Diseases incident to Soldiers in the Time of Service, and on the same Diseases as they have appeared in London [Bd 1] More

Observations On The Means Of Preserving The Health Of Soldiers And Of Conducting Military Hospitals. And On the Diseases incident to Soldiers in the Time of Service, and on the same Diseases as they have appeared in London [Bd 2] More

A History of Greece [Bd 1] More

A History of Greece [Bd 2] More

An architectural tour in Normandy with some remarks in Norman architecture More

The Normans in Sicily being a sequel to "An architectural tour in Normandy" More

Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the polar sea, in the year 1825, 1826 and 1827 Including an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward by John Richardson ; Illustrated by numerous plates and maps. Published by authority of the right honourable the Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs More

The Topography of Athens More

Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the Years 1822, 1823, and 1824 More

An Account of Some of the Most Important Diseases Peculiar to Women More

Narrative of the Burmese War More

An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands in the south pacific ocean : vol. II ; with an original grammar and vocabulary of their language [Bd.2] More

Travels in Nubia More

Travels in Syria and the Holy Land More

Arabic Proverbs; or, The manners and customs of the modern Egyptians More

Observations on the nature and cure of calculus, sea scurvy, consumption, catarrah, and fever : together with conjectures upon several other subjects of physiology and pathology More

The history of the origin, progress, and termination of the American war: By C. Stedman, who served under sir W.Hows, sir H. Clinton and the marquis Cornwallis In two volumes [Bd.2] More

Sermons to asses More

Reliquiae Diluvianae More

Observations on the Medicinal Uses of the Oleum Fecoris Aselli, or Cod Liver Oil, in the Chronic Rheumatism, and Other Painful Disorders More

An Account of the Salutary Effect of Blisters in a Case Attended with Symptoms of Hydrocephalus Internus More

A Remarkable Case of Paralysis of the Lower Extremities, Successfully Treated by an Issue More

Instances of the Medicinal Effects of Magnetism More

A Case of Obstinate Costiveness More

A Case of Emphysema More

Some Observations on the Gout, from an Unpublished Paper on That Subject, by a Celebrated Physician Lately Deceased More

Case of a Bronchial Polypus; with Remarks on the Formation of Polypose Concretions in the Lungs More

Observations on the Use of Arsenic in Intermittent Fevers More

An Account of a Peculiarity of Vision in a Girl at East Dereham in Norfolk More

A Case of Hydrophobia More

Case of Emphysema, Brought on by Severe Labour Pains More

Observations on Extra-Uterine Cases, and on Ruptures of the Uterus More

An Account of a Large Mass of Hydatids Discharged from the Uterus More

Case of an Extra-Uterine Fœtus More

Case of an Extra-Uterine Fœtus More

Case in Which the Substance of the Uterus Was in a Great Measure Destroyed during Pregnancy More

A Case of Spontaneous Evolution of the Fœtus More

Case of a Wound of the Throat Successfully Treated More

An Account of an Abscess of the Mediastinum, Mistaken for an Aneurism More

A Case of Hydrophthalmia Successfully Treated More

An Account of a Caries of the Spine, and of the Appearances on Dissection More

Two Cases of Fracture of the Scull; with Remarks. To Which Is Added a Case of a Wound of the Head That Terminated Fatally; with an Account of the Appearances on Dissection More

Case of a Fracture of the Sternum More

Account of a Case, in Which a Considerable Portion of the Lower Jaw Bone Was Removed More

Case of a Rupture of the Tendo Achillis More

Case of a Ganglion of the Tendons, Opened, and Successfully Treated More

Supplement to the Account of Mr. Hunter's Method of Performing the Operation for the Popliteal Aneurism, Inserted in the Seventh Volume of This Work More

On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences More

Institutes political and military More


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