


Taylor, Jeremy




1613 - 1667


Via intelligentiae: A sermon Mehr

Eniamtos Mehr

Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come De la diferencia entre lo temporal y eterno [Vol. 1] Mehr

Ductor dubitantium, or, The rule of conscience in all her generall measures Ductor dubitantium serving as a great instrument for the determination of cases of conscience Rule of conscience in all her generall measures Rule of conscience Of humane laws Of nature and causes of good and evil [Vol. 1 + 2] Mehr

The great exemplar of sanctity Mehr

The rvle and exercises of holy living Rule and exercises of holy living in which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every vertue and the remedies against every vice and considerations serving to the resisting of all temptations Rule and exercises of holy living Taylor, Jeremy Christian life Devotional exercises Christian life Devotional exercises Mehr

The rvle and exercises of holy dying : in which are described the means and instruments of preparing our selves, and others respectively, for a blessed death ... together with prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons ... to which are added rules for the visitation of the sick (1651) Mehr

The Great Exemplar of Sanctity and Holy Life According to the Christian Institution Described in the History of the Life and Death of the Ever-Blessed Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World Mehr

Eniautos, a course of sermons for all the Sundays of the year Mehr

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