


Dodsley, Robert


Saddi, Nathan Ben


1703 - 1764


An account of the European settlements in America. Mehr

The Microscope made easy: or, I. The Nature, Uses, and Magnifying Powers of the best Kinds of Microscopes Described, Calculated, and Explained: for the Instruction of such, particularly, as desire to search into the Wonders of the Minute Creation, tho' they are not acquainted with Optics. Together with Full Directions how to prepare, apply, examine, and preserve all Sorts of Objects, and proper Cautions to be observed in viewing them. II. An Account of what surprizing Discoveries have been already made by the Microscope: With useful Reflections on them. And also A great Variety of new Experiments and Observations, pointing out many uncommon Subjects for the Examination of the Curious. Mehr

The Elements of Moral Philosophy Mehr

Letters on several subjects. Mehr

A Compleat System Of Opticks [Bd 1] Mehr

A Compleat System Of Opticks [Bd 2] Mehr

A Compleat System Of Opticks [Bd 3] Mehr

A Compleat System Of Opticks [Bd 4] Mehr

A Description Of The East, And Some other Countries [Bd.1] Observations on Egypt Mehr

The Oeconomy of Human Life [Bd. 1] Mehr

The chronicle of the kings of England [Bd. 1] Mehr

The chronicle of the Kings of England [Bd. 2] From the reign of Queen Elizabeth unto the present time. Mehr

The chronicle of the Kings of England [Bd. 3] Mehr

The economy of human life Mehr

The preceptor. Containing a general course of education. Mehr

The preceptor. Containing a general course of education. Mehr

The history of Lady Julia Mandeville. In two volumes. By the translator of Lady Catesby's letters Mehr

A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful Mehr

The oeconomy of human life Mehr

An inquiry into the beauties of painting Mehr

Conjectures on original composition Mehr

Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul Mehr

The advantage and necessity of the Christian revelation: shewn from the state of religion in the antient heathen world Mehr

The economy of human life Mehr

Indifference for religion inexcusable Mehr


Das Buch der Weisheit und der Tugend, Oder die Verfassung Des Menschlichen Lebens


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