


Hall, Joseph




1574 - 1656


The olde religion, a treatise, wherin is laid downe the true state of the difference betwixt the reformed, and Romane Church; and the blame of this schisme is cast vpon the true authors. Seruing for the vindication of our innocence, for the setling of wauering minds for a preseruatiue against Popish insinuations Mehr

Characters of vertues and vices : in two bookes Mehr

Resolutions and decisions of divers practicall cases of conscience in continuall use amongst men very necessary for their information and direction. In foure decades Mehr

The remedy of discontentment against the fear of death Mehr

The balme of Gilead or Comforts for the distressed both morall and divine : most fit for these wofull times Mehr

The art of divine meditation: exemplified with two large patterns of meditation: the one of eternall life, as the end, the other of death, as the way. Revised and augmented Mehr

Contemplationes Sionis Mehr

Holy obseruations. Lib. 1. Also, some fewe of Dauids Psalmes metaphrased, for a taste of the rest. Mehr

The best bargaine A sermon preached to the Court at Theobalds. on Sunday, Sept. 21. 1623. Mehr

Three treatises: Soliloquies; The Soul´s Farewell to Earth and The Christian Mehr

Occasionall meditations: By Ios: Exon. Set forth by R.H Mehr

The works of the Lord, in judgment and mercy Mehr

Holy obseruations. Lib. 1. Also some fewe of Dauids Psalmes metaphrased, for a taste of the rest. By Ios. Hall Mehr

Resolutions and decisions of divers practical cases of conscience in continual use among men, very necessary for their information and direction. In four decades. Mehr

The great impostor laid open in a sermon at Grayes Inne, Febr. 2.1623. By Joseph Hall D.D Mehr

The breathings of the devout soul Mehr

Heaven upon earth: or of true peace and tranquillity of minde Mehr

Salomons diuine arts, of 1. Ethickes, 2. Politickes, 3. Oeconomicks that is; the gouernment of 1. Behauiour, 2. Common-vvealth, 3. Familie. Drawne into method, out of his Prouerbs & Ecclesiastes. With an open and plaine paraphrase, vpon the Song of songs. By Ioseph Hall. Mehr

Characters of vertues and vices : in two bookes by Joseph Hall [Bd.1] Mehr

Characters of vertues and vices in two bookes: by Joseph Hall [Bd.2] Mehr

The righteous mammon Mehr

The Passion-sermon : preached at Paules-Crosse, on Good-friday. Apr. 14. 1609. By Joseph Hall Mehr

Quo vadis? a just censure of travell as it is commonly undertaken by gentlemen of our nation Mehr

Characters of vertues and vices Mehr

The holy order: or, Fraternity of the mourners in Sion: Humbly, and earnestly tendered to all Gods faithfull ones. Whereunto is added, Songs in the night: or, Cheerfulnesse vnder affliction Mehr

Occasional Meditations Mehr

Contemplations upon the principal passages of the holy story [Bd. 1] Mehr

Contemplations upon the principal passages of the holy story [Bd. 2] Mehr

Contemplations upon the principal passages of the holy story [Bd. 3, 4] Mehr

Iosephi Exoniensis Henochismus: siue, Tractatus de modo ambulandi cum Deo Mehr

The practise of pietie Mehr


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